Design Review For North East England

What is Design Review?

Design Review is a respected national method of improving the quality and viability of new development by offering constructive, impartial and expert advice. Design Review panel meetings allow local authorities, clients, developers and design teams to present their schemes for a peer review at the pre-planning stage to a panel of respected built environment professionals from a range of fields including:

  • Architecture

  • Development

  • Engineering

  • Planning

  • Landscape Architecture

  • Urban Design

  • Public Art

  • local Planning

How do I get involved?

We would like to encourage you to take part in the process by either bringing forward schemes which may benefit from Design Review or attending as an observer at one of our sessions, to experience the process for yourself and consider whether the service may become a useful tool as part of a wider consultation process for your projects.

How do I contact you?

Please click here